Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Concluding ES2007s

ES2007S has covered many topics and I have to say that I am generally aware of the various “points to take note of”. For example, I have been doing part time jobs since I was 16, hence my cover letter and resume have been constantly updated since then. I had overcome my fear of presenting in front of a crowd some time ago too. Nevertheless, I have still benefitted from this course as it fine-tuned all the skills and knowledge I already have.

If I must choose one area, I feel that I have learnt the most regarding interview skills through this course. Going for interviews have been one of my greatest fear because I have had bad past experiences. I have been stumped by various “weird” questions and obviously, the interview did not go too well. Through the mock interview practice session, my group has analyzed numerous difficult questions and I am confident of tackling them during my future interviews. I am thankful to Fiona who has contributed many fantastic ideas/ways of tackling them.

Through Nixon, Xinyu and Victor’s peer teaching session, I have noted a couple of things. First would be that black socks are just as important! I am aware that my dressing to the interview will affect the boss’s first impression of me, but I guess I neglected the smallest detail about my socks. The other would be that to always prepare before going for any interview. I was probably too lazy or stubborn who thinks that I know it all and do not need to prepare for interviews. I am glad I changed. I had recently gone for an interview, I am glad I did my homework and I could answer their questions relevant to the company.

In conclusion, I would like to thank Dr Jaidev and my peers who helped me improve these life skills. It has been a fun and exciting learning experience.