Sunday, 14 August 2011

I want to be an effective communciator

I would generalize to broadly categorize communications under 2 headings, written and oral communications. I feel that written communications might not be as major of a problem to me since drafts can be written and redrafted and re-edited before sending it out. A written communication can be well thought out. While oral communication has a much shorter thinking processing time. You may probably pause for 5 seconds before making yourself look really rude for not answering a question directed at you. Yet should the reply be insufficient, then this communication channel would have broken down since the idea was not communicated effectively.

Communicating is the very basis of a face-to-face interaction with other people. This activity takes place on a daily basis, hence I feel it is important to improve my skills to better interact with people. There are times when I feel lost for words that I do not know how to continue interacting and there was the awkward silence. It may sound easy to simply ‘talk to people’ but there are in fact many underlying skills involved, such as to find the right topics so that the conversation will go on.

I also feel that being able to communication well is very important in making one’s first impression on others, besides one’s appearance.  Other than just looking good, being able to interact proficiently will portray your intelligence, hence would definitely improve others’ impression of you. This is probably the area which I am lacking. I have failed to secure scholarships due to my poor performance during interviews. I am unable to communicate effectively enough to show that I am in fact rather intelligent.

Being an effective communicator allows me to steer a conversation to my favor in any occasion. It would probably help me in making more friends too!?


  1. Well it seems to me that you have taken the first and most crucial step towards becoming an effective communicator! That's realizing what needs to be done. I'm certain that you will achieve your goal:))

  2. Hello Charles! I agree that talking to people is harder than it sounds, as if we were to sustain a conversation, especially with a stranger at a networking session, we have to make sure that we are quick-witted enough and engaging enough to keep the conversation going. People who can speak very well are usually regarded as people with great calibre, I too aspire to be a more effective communicator than I am today! :)

  3. haha..I agree that it's not easy to find a proper topic when we want to start any conversation in lots occasion. And if we fail, it will turn out awkward silence. But as your group mate, I think you do really good job in trying to have an good communication with me, who has some problem using english to express herself. And you have careful mind to detect what other's need, that will be great part in communication:)
