Saturday, 10 September 2011

Cover Letter (Part 2 of 2)


  1. Hi Charles, I think your application letter is generally good. The content is good supported with good example. The coherency is good as well. The only thing I want to add is the sender and recipient address. If I am not wrong, the format is 10 percent for the grading of application letter. I believe you will add that in the hard copy for submission.

  2. Hi Charles!! It's a really nice cover letter:) Especially, you separate every skill to different paragraph, which made it more easy to catch the point! This letter may make the employer to know you more:) Oh, by the way, about the format which Bo Hui mention, I think you will notice this part when you summit it:)

  3. Hey Charles! I think your application letter is well covered, with examples clearly stated to tell the employer how hiring you can benefit them.

    I also liked the part where you told the employer about how you got the inspiration to take up the job. Think that will make the employer have a better impression of you right from the start :D
